My Princess Boy by Cheryl Kilodavis, illustrated by Suzanne DeSimone, published in 2010.

The Princess Boy is about the author's son, Dyson Kilodavis.
Many people do not like this book, nor think it is appropriate for children because it goes against societal norms. It is controversial because the Princess Boy likes to wear dresses and dance like a ballerina.

Though there has been positive feedback about the book and the Kilodavis family, "I actually love this book...This is an age appropriate way to communicate the message of acceptance. I fully support you supporting your son." - Dr. Phil ( Kilodavis also presents the question in her book, "If you see a Princess Boy...Will you laugh at him? Will you call him a name? Will you play with him? Will you like him for who he is?" (Kilodavis, 2010). The book is all about acceptance and tolerance for those who are different from ourselves. Cheryl Kilodavis says, "I wrote the story to give children and adults a tool to talk about unconditional friendship...Compassion takes effort. It takes focus. It takes commitment. We need practice. And more practice. And practice again." (

We must also consider the effects of a child's self image when reading books. This book shows the Princess Boy doing different things, and being with different people in his life. He isn't stuck only being able to do girl things, or boy things. It shows the Princess Boy being able to do whatever he wants, and proudly saying, "I am a Princess Boy!"
The author of this book is also the mother of the Princess Boy, so she can't be entirely objective. Though I think she does a very good job in representing many cultures (she is bi-racial, African American and Caucasian) when the children come over for the birthday party.
I would recommend this book to anyone working with children. Or anyone in general for that matter. I can't find anything inappropriate about it. I think it is a great book that shows that not everyone fits the same mold. It is breaking all of the rules and changing them to fit the different kinds of people in our society.
10 Quick Ways to Analyze Children's Books for Sexism and Racism. Adapted from the original brochure which was published by the Council on Interracial Books for Children by the California State Department of Education. Sacramento, 1998.
Kilodavis, C. My Princess Boy. 2010.
Kilodavis, C. My Princess Boy. 2010.
Kilodavis, C. Retrieved March 22, 2013.